Communications Developer Zone



A podcast exploring real-time communications applications and technologies including WebRTC, Communications API, IoT and other technologies that connect people and things. Hosted by Alan Percy, Communications Industry Veteran


  • #33 - IBM Watson and Chatbots

    28/11/2017 Duración: 22min

    Chat is becoming an increasingly popular way to provide customer care and IBM envisions that their Watson artificial intelligence engine will play a key role in providing front line support. Eric Andersen, IT Architect at IBM visits to share parts of his presentation from the #Monage event, with background on how Watson has evolved since it's debut on Jeopardy and may well play a role in your next customer care chat session.

  • #32 - Arin Sime on the state of WebRTC

    03/10/2017 Duración: 21min

    We check in with Arin Sime, CEO and Founder of at the Illinois Institute of Technology Real-Time Communications event to learn about the state of WebRTC use cases, technology updates and where he expects it to be applied going forward.

  • CDZ #31 - IoT and Video with Dean Bubley

    12/09/2017 Duración: 22min

    Combining Video and the Internet of Things technologies opens some interesting new applications. To better understand how these two technologies intersect, we asked Dean Bubley, a noted Industry Futurist with Disruptive Analysis to join us on a webinar, sharing some of his observations on the impact of IoT and Video. Dean always provides some fascinating insight on the future of communications, how people interact, health and city life. Dean shares some of his observations during this episode of the CDZ.

  • CDZ #28 - WebRTC for Business People

    01/06/2017 Duración: 17min

    Tsahi Levent-Levi walks us through the latest on WebRTC solutions, vendors and technologies in his recently updated "WebRTC for Business" report. The third in his series of reports, Tsahi gives a view of the market landscape and offers some vision to the future. You can download a free copy at

  • CDZ #29 - Improving CX with Verizon

    23/05/2017 Duración: 26min

    Tom Smith, Senior Manager of CX Innovation shares a new offering from Verizon that integrates visual and voice experience to improve customer care.

  • CDZ #27 - Building Tap to Speak with Communications APIs

    07/04/2017 Duración: 25min

    Marek Wawrzyniak, CEO of Interactive Web Works shares his story of building Tap to Speak, a WebRTC application designed to improve attendee engagement during conferences and public events. It's quite a journey for Marek that starts in seminary school and finishes on the stage at Enterprise Connect 2017 - listen in!

  • CDZ #26 - What Makes a Good App with Chip Wilcox

    30/03/2017 Duración: 17min

    Answering the question "What Makes a Good WebRTC App?", Chip Wilcox, CMO at Temasys Communications shares his observations.